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If you’re looking to grow your business, you’ll know that finding the funds to support your business growth can be challenging. Traditional banks and lenders are often wary of lending to owner managed businesses… and that’s where we can help. 

We’ve been arranging business funding for years. We can help to arrange and make sure you qualify for all the business funding you need.

Let’s talk about how we can help to grow your business.

Business loans

We help you find the best business finance you need to fund investment, expansion or working capital.

When you need capital to grow/develop your business, a business loan may be the best option, either secured or unsecured. You might have a short-term requirement - like equipment purchase, staff acquisition, moving premises, a cash-flow injection. Or it might be something needed over the longer term - working capital, expanding the business, or rolling out a five-year plan.

Funding & asset finance services

Unsecured business loans

Unsecured business loans are a quick and easy way to get a cash injection for almost any purpose, You can borrow from £5k to £350k over 6 months or up to 5 years. However getting an unsecured business loan depends on your business’s revenue or creditworthiness so contact us today as we can give you a credit decision within 48 hours.

Secured business loans

Secured business loans are a great option if you need a large capital sum.  You can borrow from £25k up to £1m, over 3 months or up to 10 years. Secured business loans can automatically convert to longer terms without the need to re-arrange funding.

Business Cash flow funding

Funding options to suit your business and improve your day-to-day cash flow funding. At Haines Watts we can help you release cash in your business and fund cash flow. We’ll suggest the cash flow facility that suits your business from the options below.

Invoice financing  

We work with you on Invoice financing projects that improve cash flow, pay employees and suppliers through borrowing money against the amounts due from your customers. This can be done through Confidential invoice discounting or single or selective invoice finance

Confidential invoice discounting

To help your business finance, you can release up to 95% of the invoice value, using invoice factoring or confidential invoice discounting. Eliminate the hassle of chasing customers for payment. Our experts will talk you through the invoice financing facilities available, to make sure you choose the right option for your business.

Single or selective invoice finance

Single or selective invoice finance can provide a large cash boost to overcome seasonal fluctuations.  You receive the funds from the single or selective invoice without waiting for customers to pay, helping you to raise working capital for your business.

Export finance

We have found that export finance can provide significant comfort to both buyers and sellers in a business finance transaction as export finance can be a guarantee of payment from a customer when goods are exported. Export finance is looked at and reviewed on a case by case basis so contact our export finance experts to discuss your case.

Trade finance services

Trade finance can be used for UK and international business trade transactions.  It enables you to buy, receive and sell goods before payment is made. Trade finance can help bridge the gap between supplier payment and customer payment. Our trade finance experts help you find the best sources of trade finance.

Contractual finance

Otherwise known as project financing, this is when funding is arranged on uncertified payment applications – for example, involving main contractors, government departments or agencies. Loan facilities can fund implementation of a contract until completion. We’ll work with you to create the ideal finance solution to give you the support and confidence to focus on your business.

Equipment and asset finance

Spread the cost of acquiring finance for equipment, boost working capital and free up cash buried in assets.

If your business depends on essential equipment day-to-day then we can help you to fund new or used equipment without large upfront costs.  All types of equipment can be purchased including manufacturing equipment, warehouse systems, commercial vehicles, catering equipment and machine tools to name but a few.

If your business owns machinery, vehicles or other equipment that have a resale value, we can help you to refinance existing equipment and free up cash held in depreciating assets.

We can secure business finance and funding for all types of businesses. We work with specialist lenders to give you the widest choice and the best deals on our equipment and asset finance options.

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