Nicola Goldsmith


Nicola has been working in tax for over a quarter of century, specialising in cross-border matters and taxes regarding UK and overseas individuals and trusts, as well as residence for both companies and individuals, and domicile matters. She also advises on taxation of cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

"Helping clients find solutions to their tax problems, I love talking tax with anyone who will stand still and listen long enough."

If I wasn't doing this I'd be:  A food critic! I'm a confirmed carnivore who likes to cook from scratch, but open to all food experiences. 

Favourite Book/Film: The Princess Bride by William Golding.

Dream location: Anywhere watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset. 

Haines Watts Tax Advisory 


T: 07852 616162


TEP, CTA, ATT, LL.B. (Hons)
