HW Bedford Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 14185997.
Registered office: First Floor, Woburn Court, 2 Railton Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7PN
ICAEW firm number: C011003526
VAT number: 859288562
Haines Watts Wales LLP
is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales, no. OC346057. A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office.
Registered office: 7 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ
ICAEW firm number: C002255273
VAT number: 973 0579 93
Haines Watts Chester Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 5982953.
Registered office: Military House, 24 Castle Street, Chester, CH1 2DS
ICAEW firm number: C001534816
VAT number: 907 4369 12
Haines Watts Cirencester Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 12847161.
Registered office: Unit 9, Cirencester Office Park, Tetbury Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6JJ
ICAEW firm number: C008601215
VAT number: 359 6029 69
Haines Watts Midlands Tax Advisory Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 15610617.
Registered office: 10 Stadium Business Court, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8HP
Haines Watts Scotland Audit LLP
is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland, no. SO306883. A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office.
Registered office: Q Court, 3 Quality Street, Edinburgh, EH4 5BP
ICAEW firm number: C008204718
VAT number: 343 3677 92
Edinburgh, Kirkcaldy, Stirling
Haines Watts Scotland Limited
Registered in Scotland No. SC652172
ICAEW firm number: C 00011004593
VAT number: 445 6834 67
Launceston, Okehampton
Haines Watts South West LLP
is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales, no. OC365571. A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office.
Registered office: 9 Western Road, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 7AR
ICAEW firm number: C002914785
VAT number: 1166 033 43
Haines Watts Leicester Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 14418803.
Registered office: 20 Allandale Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 2DA
ICAEW firm number: C011002072
VAT number: 430 6123 40
Haines Watts Liverpool Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 07169050.
Registered office: Pacific Chambers, 11 - 13 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L2 5QQ
ICAEW firm number: C002512877
VAT number: 987 6884 27
Haines Watts R & D (NORTH WEST) Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 11440975.
Registered office: Pacific Chambers, 11 - 13 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L2 5QQ
ICAEW firm number: C006592181
VAT number: 302 8959 91
Haines Watts Skegness Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, 12644065.
Registered office: 23 Algitha Road, Skegness, Lincs, PE25 2AG
ICAEW firm number: C008378435
VAT number: 455 3049 52
Haines Watts
M W Lloyd FCCA, S E Plumb ACA, M S Gurney FCA.
Registered office: Old Station House, Station Approach, Newport Street, Swindon, Wilts, SN1 3DU
ICAEW firm number: C008667147
VAT number: 194 9785 89
Tamworth, Ashby
Haines Watts
S P Butler FCA, D Barlow FCCA, R Wilkinson FCA.
Registered office: Sterling House, 97 Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffs, B79 7QF
ICAEW firm number: C005305767
VAT number: 110 7387 94
Haines Watts Tamworth Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no. 13207340.
Registered office: Sterling House, 97 Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffs, B79 7QF
ICAEW firm number: C009321858
VAT number: 372 1767 86
Haines Watts
M Porter FCA, M W Lloyd FCCA.
Registered office: Enterprise House, Timbrell Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8PL
ICAEW firm number: C009059490
VAT number: 328 3854 38
Haines Watts Wirral Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no 03275171.
Registered office: 1 Abbots Quay, Monks Ferry, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 5LH
ICAEW firm number: C009220689
VAT number: 659 6605 90
Haines Watts Wolverhampton Limited
A list of the names of the principals is available at the registered office. Registered in England & Wales, no 10772944.
Registered office: Keepers Lane, The Wergs, Wolverhampton, WV6 8UA
ICAEW firm number: C005765663
VAT number: 288 4775 37