15 October 2024

LinkedIn, with over a billion users globally, has become the go-to platform for professional networking and business growth, with one in four Britons as a whole on the network. While it has earned a reputation as the place for self-promotion from overzealous ‘hustle culture’ types, it still has major value for everyday businesses trying to connect.

That said, most business owners spend most of their time actually running their business, not just playing an entrepreneur online – so let’s look at some practical strategies that anyone can use to get real utility out of LinkedIn, focusing on building meaningful connections over time.


1. Start with a profile that actually reflects you

Your LinkedIn profile is essentially your digital first impression. To grow your network, it’s important that your profile accurately represents you and the value you bring.

  • Choose a Clear, Professional Photo: People are more likely to connect if they can put a face to a name. (Profiles with a picture get 21 times more views than those without by the way.)
  • Headline and Summary: Your headline should quickly convey what you do, but avoid buzzwords or salesy language. Keep it simple and clear. Similarly, your summary should provide a brief but meaningful overview of your experience, what drives you, and what kind of connections you’re looking to build. The clearer you are with who you are and what you’re there for, the more likely you are to find it.
  • Showcase Your Skills: Listing five or more skills can increase your visibility by 31 times​. Make sure these skills are relevant to what you do and want to be known for.


2. Set clear, realistic goals

Before diving into LinkedIn, it helps to clarify what you want to achieve. Are you hoping to meet potential clients, collaborate with peers, or just expand your industry knowledge? Having these goals in mind will make your networking efforts more intentional.

Depending on where you are in your business journey, your goal might be to connect with suppliers, mentors, or potential clients. For others, it might be as simple as staying updated on industry trends or finding new opportunities​.


3. Use LinkedIn’s tools to find the right people

LinkedIn offers several features that can help you find the right people to connect with:

  • “People You May Know”: This feature suggests people based on your current network. It’s a great way to discover professionals who are one degree of separation away from your existing connections​.
  • LinkedIn Groups: Joining industry-specific groups gives you the chance to engage in discussions with like-minded professionals. You can also directly message group members even if you’re not connected, making it a useful tool for expanding your network​.


4. Personalise your connection requests

Despite the slight artificiality of online connections, LinkedIn is still a social network. So when reaching out to someone new, avoid the default connection request. Take a moment to personalise your message, explaining why you want to connect. You’re asking for someone’s time and attention after all.

  • Whether it’s a shared interest, a mutual connection, or respect for their work, a personalised note goes a long way in starting off on the right foot.
  • If you’re reaching out to someone because you admire their work, mention that in your message and be specific.
  • In the same way, only reach out to people that you genuinely want to connect with – no one wants to be just another number in your address book.


5. Engage authentically

Once you’ve started building connections, don’t stop there.

LinkedIn is a two-way street—it’s not just about gaining followers but also about participating in conversations. Share content, comment on posts, and congratulate your connections on their achievements. Engaging regularly helps keep you top of mind and fosters stronger relationships.

  • Share What’s Relevant to Your Network: Regularly sharing articles, industry insights, or even your own experiences shows that you’re an active participant in your field. Posts with images and media tend to get higher engagement, doubling the comment rate of text-only posts.
  • Comment Thoughtfully: Don’t just “like” posts—add a comment when you can. Engaging in meaningful ways, rather than dropping generic “great post” comments, increases your visibility and shows that you’re genuinely invested in the conversation​.


6. Consistency beats volume

You don’t need to be on LinkedIn all day, but consistency is key. Set aside time each week to check in, engage with your network, and send a few connection requests. Businesses that post at least weekly see follower growth five times faster than those who post less frequently​.

By sticking to a regular, but not overwhelming, schedule, you’ll build your network more naturally and avoid burnout.


7. Offer value before asking for help

One of the best ways to build meaningful relationships on LinkedIn is to offer value first.

This doesn’t mean you need to give away your services for free, but you can share useful articles, introduce people in your network to one another, or offer advice when relevant. These small gestures build goodwill and trust, setting the foundation for more productive relationships down the line​.


8. Collaborate with others

Collaboration is one of the most effective ways to build deeper connections. Whether it’s co-hosting a webinar, writing a joint article, or simply helping someone with a project, collaboration gives you a reason to stay in touch and fosters more meaningful professional relationships​.

This doesn’t all have to be online either – by building connections with others in your area, you can share joint activities you’re already doing, such as events, planning new projects or even just sharing learnings from your own in-person meetings.


9. Be patient and persistent

Networking on LinkedIn isn’t about quick wins. It’s about building lasting, valuable relationships over time. Be patient, and don’t be discouraged if your network grows slowly at first. The connections you make today may not pay off immediately, but consistent effort will lead to valuable opportunities in the future​​.

LinkedIn has been a major growth platform for Haines Watts as a business – we focus on sharing useful articles (like this one) and insights from our accounting and finance experts to help businesses like yours grow and succeed. If you haven’t followed us yet, now is a great time.

