We offer a bespoke approach to advising our clients. Ensuring your personal and business growth is our priority.

Our office is in the heart of Trowbridge, providing services throughout the local area, our team is committed to the success of our clients. We are part of the wider South West region, ensuring our clients benefit from an extended support network of professional accountants. Our experts are on hand to provide the advice and support you are looking for to help you succeed both personally and in business.

We offer a wide range of services covering Accountancy, Audit, Tax and Payroll. With specialist knowledge and extensive experience with Charity & Not For ProfitProperty and UK Subsidiaries.

Our specialist tax planning team are also on hand to guide you through complex Tax & Vat regulations, ensuring you plan ahead effectively. From registering for VAT, minimising corporate tax liabilities, creating the most efficient personal tax planning strategy or assisting with R&D claims, our experts are here to ensure you are compliant.

We will work alongside you as an extension of your team to provide you with the services you need to thrive and grow, and, when the time is right we can also assist with providing you the guidance you will need to plan your exit from your business. Whether that be providing a strategy for succession planning, or getting you and your business ready to sell. We are here to help you achieve your goals.

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Haines Watts Trowbridge

Enterprise House

Timbrell Street



BA14 8PL

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Specialist services

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