Haines Watts delights in welcoming eight students from Wallace High School to its new Stirling Office

07 September 2022

Haines Watts delights in welcoming eight students from Wallace High School to its new Stirling Office

Yesterday we had the pleasure of opening our business doors to eight students from Wallace High School. What a joy for our team to put aside laptops and spreadsheets and mix with the future generation of possible accountants! As a new office, which opened during Covid, it’s great to finally be creating a bit of a buzz around the office.

It was wonderful to see our local young people engaged and interested in exploring opportunities for their futures. Our staff were delighted to answer questions and share their experiences. A number of staff from the accounts team took the time to give advice on CV’s and discuss diverse avenues towards pursuing a career in accountancy. Graeme Jack, Manager of the Stirling office, confirmed that the event was a great success for his team as well as the students: “Our team appreciate the opportunity of sharing their stories and chatting to young people about what it might mean to become an accountant. It feels very rewarding to be able to inspire others as they consider future career opportunities”.

From a high school perspective, the opportunity for young adults to come face-to-face with real business individuals was significant. It opens their eyes to potential careers they may otherwise have overlooked. Mrs Sinclair, Principal Teacher Partnerships and Flexible Curriculum, felt the day was well worthwhile and was grateful to the team at Haines Watts for their generosity – upon leaving she was keen to reinforce that they’d be back again, in the near future. I would like to thank everyone at Haines and Watt for being so welcoming and informative to our students and they have given them further knowledge into Accountancy. 

The students themselves particularly loved the chance to find out about the different roles within the industry and this has inspired to follow in this career path. 

All in all, a great community event, which comes at a time when we really see a need to invest in our local areas and our youth. Managing Partner, Graeme Miller, reinforces the fact that the accountancy profession is awash with opportunities for bright ambitious people of all ages. There are more jobs than people, so it makes sense to explore this avenue, whether through apprenticeship route, on the job training or as a graduate. Haines Watts is keen to develop further partnerships with other schools and colleges in the area, as a core part of their business purpose. “It really matters to our business that we are adding value both in professional context with clients, as well as supporting the local community however we can. It feels good for everyone, staff and students, and that can only be a positive thing during our current challenging and uncertain times.
