Thinking digital for your business

02 May 2019


Online Accounting

Digital technology is paving the way for businesses to become more efficient. Whether you’ve embraced the move to the digital era or you're still trying to understand how it can help elevate your business to the next level, there’s never been a more important time to invest in digital technology for your business.


A competitive advantage

According to Virgin Media Business, 45% of SMEs viewed IT as a “necessary cost rather than a driver of competitive advantage”. A statistic that only supports the age old image of IT as a necessary burden and the fact that the results most businesses are getting from their investments are not being maximised.

Many business owners might find themselves unaware of how to even begin thinking digitally, but you don’t need to be an IT genius or media guru to be able to harness the power of what’s available to you.

Here’s some relatively straightforward ways to start thinking digitally about your business and avoid playing catch up.


Use cloud-based systems

The benefits of cloud-based systems can’t be stressed enough. From being able to collaborate and share files and documents on one system, to remote working possibilities, there’s no reason to keep hoarding paper copies of documents any longer.

Now imagine losing those hardcopies of your documents? No bother, you’ll have it on your laptop/desktop – but to your horror your PC has decided today is the day to pack it in. With a cloud-based system, this eliminates all the problems. You can backup and recover your documents with ease and without fuss.

This extends to your accounting and financial reporting systems. As of 1 April, businesses are now required to file their VAT returns digitally if their turnover is above the VAT threshold. Even if your turnover isn't above the threshold, it’s important to plan ahead. Your business will likely grow year-on-year and so early preparation really is key.


Embrace digital communications

This goes beyond emailing and instant messaging. The wonderful world of digital communication has transformed how we speak to people. Now, we can directly engage with influencers across multiple digital platforms, tell our brand story through blogs and engage customers and prospects in new and innovative ways.

The digital world gives businesses an entirely new way to reach out and engage with your audience.


Train your team to think digital

As the world moves forward, gaining skillsets in digital technology and communications is becoming increasingly important throughout all industries. Digital training will encourage new ways of thinking among employees, help with retention, encourage personal development and will ultimately help to you remain competitive.

Not sure where to begin where to start? Get in touch with Haines Watts and we’ll help you navigate your way into a brighter future with comprehensive business advice.


Chris Hird

Corporate Finance Partner
