Why Regular Auditing Is Important to a Business

30 July 2017


Corporate Tax Planning

It is becoming increasingly apparent that regular auditing is important to a business. Not only is regular auditing important to a business, but ethical and transparent auditing is the foundation upon which a business builds trust on all levels.


Regular auditing can provide your business with a range of benefits:

At the heart of any audit, internal or external, lies transparency. Nothing troubles stakeholders more than a lack of knowing the true state of the finances of any company they hold stock in.

A Banker’s Perspective

Both internal and external audits are necessary to keeping figures accurate to the penny, keeping lenders satisfied that nothing is amiss. Few companies never experience financial difficulties, and business loans are commonplace, so audits can ensure greater confidence among lenders.

Profitability and Taxation

The taxman can require an audit by the auditor of their choosing. One of the reasons why your company may wish to have regular internal audits is to avoid being scrutinized by the taxman.


Regular analysis of audits provides the metrics necessary for future investment and growth. Audits can show where losses are occurring and indicate reasons why a company is losing money. They can also underline areas of strength in which a business may wish to invest more heavily going forward. The purpose of being in business is to realise a profit and the bigger the margin the better.


What next? Auditing Services

From stakeholder confidence to keeping the taxman off your heels, a business would do well to schedule regular audits. Being proactive and organizing in-house audits so that you can spot problems before they become insurmountable. These are among the leading reasons why regular auditing is important to a business and you’d do well to heed the warning.

We audit businesses in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire area assisting companies of all sizes with audits. If you have any queries or require help in completing a company audit, then please contact us online or call on 01482 598694.  
